Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sunday at the park

The weather was a little bit warmer this past weekend so we decided to take advantage of it by going to the park. I love going as the whole family because that means that Tee keeps an eye on Zach and I can take tons and tons of pictures and videos. Not to mention that Zach is happiest when he is playing with his dad so I get better shots of him than usual. Neither parent really felt like going to the park; we did it out of parental duty. Why are we always surprised by how much fun we have?

Of course he was too busy playing to look at the camera.

Gorgeous Maddie

Zach wasn't the only one too busy to look at the camera. Even with the blurriness, this is the cutest pic I got of Karlee

Always willing to pose, isn't she sparkling cute?!


They don't look much alike, do they?

Did you see how fast Karlee got going? And Hannah cheating by running across the finish line?

Zach's favorite park game: kicking Mom and getting away with it.


Jessica said...

Holy Cow your kids are so adorable! such beautiful girls, all of them! And Zach is so handsome, and yes, it was funny to see him kick you. ;)

Brenda said...

Hi Jess and thanks. Did I hear that you updated your blog too? Off to check...

Jessica said...

Sure did! thanks for the post! And yes, that picture is from Anna's wedding.

Bryce & Camillia Dougal said...

AWESOME! Yes, we must enjoy the park while we can!

Rachel said...

Hey! How come I didn't know until now that you had a blog?! So cute. Joseph loves pretending to kick me on the swing too, he laughs hysterically and I get dirty looks from other moms. "Yes, I know I'm probably not teaching him the best habits, and he sometimes shouts "Hi!" at people passing the sacrament. I'm a bad mom."